1. We advise you have fellow co-workers, family members, friends, and anyone who is considered “close contact” to be tested.
OC Health Officer’s Orders & Recommendations
Your identified close contact can make an appointment at xurgentcare.com or reach out to the orange county dept of health for other testing sites.
Testing demands are great at this moment so please be patient as you go through the different sites.
2. OC dept of Health will be notified of your findings. They may contact you for further questions.
3. Please stay home and quarantine yourself and follow the CDC/CDPH protocol(s) to help prevent the spread of the virus to other individuals. OC Health FAQ
4. If your condition worsens please call 911 or go to the emergency department for a higher level of care.
5. To be cleared for work, school, sporting activities, or any environment where clearance might be requested, we require:
6. At least 10 days have passed since the onset of symptoms.
7. If no history of symptoms, at least 10 days have passed since you tested positive for COVID-19.
8. You have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without any type of fever-reducing medications.
9. You have had improvement of other symptoms.
CDPH: Guidance on Returning to Work or School Following COVID-19 Diagnosis
Please be advised that the county health department does not require clearance re-swab for COVID-19; however, if you want Xpress Urgent Care to write any form of Covid clearance note we recommend that you get a NEGATIVE PCR first.